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Who Were the First.

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Current issue

ELEKTRO 12/2021 was released on December 1st 2021. Its digital version will be available immediately.

Topic: Measurement, testing, quality care

Market, trade, business
What to keep in mind when changing energy providers

SVĚTLO (Light) 6/2021 was released 11.29.2021. Its digital version will be available immediately.

Fairs and exhibitions
Designblok, Prague International Design Festival 2021
Journal Světlo Competition about the best exhibit in branch of light and lighting at FOR ARCH and FOR INTERIOR fair

Professional literature
The new date format for luminaires description

Smart displays that show information through fabric may be the next wave of wearable tech

13. 10. 2021 | Tech Xplore | www.techxplore.com

Researchers from University of Waterloo have developed an innovative display that shows information through clothes and other fabrics.

The new technology, which the researchers are calling PocketView, uses LED lights to display basic information. It can function as a stand-alone piece of tech or could be incorporated into existing or next-generation smart devices. Researchers created prototypes that mimic smartphones, pens, key fobs and other shapes and sizes. The display shines through fabrics to show notifications for email or messages, time, weather or other forms of basic information.

Smart display

Because the display devices can take various shapes and sizes, they have the versatility to be worn and used in any piece of clothing that has a pocket. Another key point of the new display technology is that it is relatively inexpensive and could easily and quickly be rolled out on a large scale. The prototypes are also Bluetooth enabled, meaning that they sync with existing devices.

Read more at Tech Xplore

Image Credit: University of Waterloo
